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About this Blog

I’m a HR professional who’s travelled through my chosen field in a variety of industries, geographic areas, and sizes of organizations.  I’m a fan of SHRM (usually) and ASTD, the New Orleans Saints, and learning new things.  I love living in Louisiana yet still miss my home state of Wisconsin.  Well, perhaps not so much in winter.

I think there’s a need for folks in HR to keep learning and growing and I encourage curiosity, conversation and change.  As a collective group, we in HR have a tendency to stagnate and become easily content with our role and our focus. We have great opportunities to make a difference in our companies and our communities so what we need to do is bang the gong, lead the charge and move HR forward.  If we don’t evolve, we won’t survive.

As a note, everything I post or share here on the HR Schoolhouse or via my twitter feed is my personal opinion.  None of the content represents the views of my employer or any other entity.

So welcome to my blog.  Please take your desk; school is in session.  We can all learn from each other.

Robin Schooling

3 Comments leave one →
  1. September 7, 2010 7:09 am

    Ahhhh! It’s great to have you aboard the blogging train, Robin. 🙂 You are an inspiration to me as a senior-level HR pro who really gets it as opposed to those who would rather bury their heads in the sand and hide from change. Plus, you hug me a lot.

    Can’t wait to learn more at the feet of such an amazing person. Cheers!


  2. Tricia permalink
    September 7, 2010 12:00 pm

    Congratulations Robin!!!! Looking forward to being back in school again 🙂

  3. November 5, 2011 6:15 pm

    I’m not in HR at all, but your blog is cool as H-E-Double Hockey Sticks….especially the insight on rules!

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